Project specifications


Business website



Project details

  • Business presentation website.
  • Pension and restaurant from Toplita, Harghita.
  • Rooms reservation module.
  • Front page contains infromation about location, accommodations, restaurant and the city.
  • Quick access on hotel's contact informations.
  • AccommodationsDouble room contains a short description of the room, services that are included, price and a gallery of photos. In the same way is the page for the Apartment.
  • Room bookingWebsite includes a booking plugin where customers can book rooms on a specific date that he/she chooses. At the checkout client cand choose between different payment methods.
  • RestaurantIn this page is presented the restaurant, lunge and bar. In the bottom part of the page is the menu of the restaurant. From the same page there is quick access on the rooms available for booking.
  • Client accountThe client has the posibility to create an account on the website for checking or changing the bookings.
  • A page dedicated to company story.
  • Pages for website policies and informations.
  • Compatibility with all kinds of devices (Phones, Tablet, Desktop).